Dr. Soeun Lee
Fun Facts
Dr. Soeun Lee, C.Psych. (Supervised Practice)
Soeun Lee has completed her Ph.D. in Child and Adolescent Clinical Psychology at the University of Guelph. She is in the process of completing her application for supervised practice (with the College of Psychologists of Ontario) and is a Coach at MindFit.
Training/Work Experience: In addition to working at MindFit, Soeun also works at McMaster Children’s Hospital – Pediatric Chronic Pain Program. Soeun has trained at the Centre for Psychological Services at the IWK Health Centre, University of Guelph, McMaster Children’s Hospital, the Child and Adolescent Psychology (CAP) Centre, and the Waterloo District School Board. Her doctoral research focused on a group intervention for parents of youth with chronic pain at McMaster Children’s Hospital. Soeun has published papers in the area of pediatric chronic pain, resilience, pediatric oncology, and sleep, and regularly presents at local and international conferences.
Presenting Concerns: Soeun sees children, teenagers, parents, and young adults with a broad range of presentations including body-focused repetitive behaviours or BFRBs (e.g., skin-picking and hair pulling), tics, anxiety, OCD, and somatic symptoms (e.g., chronic pain).
Approach: She uses a variety of therapeutic modalities, including Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and a collaborative, empathic, strength-based, and non-judgemental approach to ensuring Members meet their goals.
Outside of MindFit: Soeun enjoys travelling to new places, painting, rock climbing, and lounging with her cat Sherlock.
Fun Facts